Friday 26 August 2016

Glandular fever: forbidden Kiss!

Glandular fever (Mononucleosis) is a viral disease, which is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). As the virus mainly in kissing of mouth to mouth is transferred, glandular fever also known as Kiss disease.

Glandular fever: causes and symptoms

The Epstein-Barr virus, which causes glandular fever, is a DNA virus and belongs to the herpes virus. It is located in certain white blood cells, the so-called memory B lymphocytes. The incubation period, the time between infection and outbreak of the disease, is four to six weeks. Transfer is the virus through body fluids, mainly through saliva. Most often this happens while kissing or by sharing a bottle or a glass. But the contagion is possible also through blood transfusion or sexual intercourse.

Who once has infected with the virus, is lifelong carriers of the virus. According to the "pharmacy market focus" around 95 percent of the world's population with the virus are infected until the age of 30. The virus is excreted in the course of life from time to time with saliva. So is the virus in the saliva of have stayed healthy people and can be transferred to others.

MORE ON THE TOPIC Self healing: Glandular fever handle EBV therapy- Word of-mouth: Epstein-Barr-virus - infection and incubation time High temperature: lower tips to the fever Beware: routes of infection of sexually transmitted diseases These diseases are transferable through kissing Symptoms depend on the age

The symptoms of Mononucleosis are varied: at the beginning, you feel tired and beaten down, suffer from affected parties are loss of appetite and nausea. Later the illness with fever, neck - and headaches, painful lymph node swelling sometimes in the armpits, coups. The spleen may be enlarged and provide a pressure pain in the upper abdomen. The blood evidence shows an increase of lymphocyte count, as well as the detection of specific antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus.

In about half of cases, a tonsillitis occurs with the almonds with a grey coating are covered. Sometimes it comes to an itchy skin rash, redness and hives. To clearly diagnose glandular fever, you must see a doctor in any case.

Often, glandular fever is not noticed. No or only barely perceptible symptoms occur in infants often because their immune system is not as strong responds to the virus. The infection in childhood is over, it occurs usually no again because enough antibodies have been formed. Only from the young age the symptoms in the form of more pronounced are to determine. Through a short-term immune deficiency, for example caused by severe stress, the virus can be reactivated. But rarely is manifested the disease image in full, thereby is not diagnosed therefore mostly as glandular fever.

Contagion: Must I give up kissing?

Kissing should be avoided during the phase of the disease. Items such as bottles, glasses and cutlery should not be shared with other people. It is important to treat yourself to rest and sleep. Antipyretic agents help with fever after consultation with the doctor. Otherwise, there are no specific drugs against glandular fever. Only the symptoms can be alleviated. In most cases, but easily passes the disease and is cured after approximately two months.

There is sometimes complications in persons with weakened immune systems. In this case, there is the danger that ignite different organs including the heart, brain or lungs. In addition, additional infections with bacteria or viruses can occur. If a bacterial infection, the use of antibiotics is necessary, caution is advised, because certain broad spectrum antibiotics hypersensitivity reactions, trigger like skin rash.

There is also the possibility that the Pfeiffersche glandular fever becomes chronic, where the patient is suffering a strong sense of the disease for months.

You should avoid doing this during the disease

If you have glandular fever, your liver will be especially charged. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid alcohol. Also certain drugs strain the liver, these should be replaced by less liver-harmful substances.

On sports, you should avoid in the acute phase of the disease do not burden the often swollen spleen. Later, you may do a light workout. Because the disease can be very different, consult in each case by your doctor.

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