Friday 26 August 2016

Why only men kissing, and most animals do not?

Think about kissing is a strange and somewhat disgusting behavior. Kiss you when exchanging saliva with each other and sometimes last a long time. 80 million bacteria is transmitted by a kiss, including harmful bacteria.

However, there is no doubt that everyone remembers their first kiss, and kiss at the beginning that tension, excitement or joy or distress details. Moreover, kissing is still plays in the next relationship.

In at least some social kissing is very important. Westerners take for granted that all men kissing that romantic gestures. However, a new analysis shows that human cultures all over the world, with less than half of such acts. In the Animal Kingdom, Act of kissing is extremely rare. So, kissing this strange behavior behind the what's the story? If this is useful, why it is not commonly found in animal and human societies? We found that studies of the fact that most animals do not Kiss, can help us find kissing wonders of the Act.

Kissing preferences in a new study, scientists, who view the world 168 human culture, found only 46% of human cultures regard kissing as a kind of romantic intimacy.

Many people think that the Kiss was almost all of humanity, the study upended the notion It was estimated the number could be as high as 90% before. This new study does not include parents on children's Kisses and study lovers only romantic kissing mouth to mouth way.

Many made a living by hunting and gathering in groups, you don't see any traces of kiss or Kiss desires. Some groups even thought that kissing thing was disgusting. Allegedly, Brazil (Mehinaku) tribe described the move as "rude, disgusting." Studies suggest that in hunter gatherer communities is closer to modern people recently, but also live right live crowds, so it can be inferred that human ancestors may not have kissed each other's behavior.

The study's lead author, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (University of Nevada), weilian·yangkeweiyake (William Jankowiak) pointed out that many people think that the Kiss was almost all of humanity, and the study had transformed this idea, in fact, the Kiss was created by Western society and the tradition of learned behavior.

In addition, there are facts supporting the findings of this study. United Kingdom, Oxford University researchers, Rafael wuluodasiji (Rafael Wlodarski) said now kissing with each other may be a new phenomenon. Through a large number of historical materials, he found the evolution of kiss.

We was born to kiss? About similar to those of most kissing old from 3,500 years ago in the Vedic Scriptures of Hinduism, kissing is considered in the article draw each other soul acts.

And the contrast is in ancient Egypt hieroglyphics mural, depicts people get very close to each other but not touching each other lips. So, is this how it goes? Naturally we kiss, just be certain cultural repression and restraint? Still, kissing is a modern invention? By observing the animals, we can discern some of these mysteries.

In our closest living relatives the chimpanzees and bonobos, there is kissing behavior. At Emory University in Atlanta, GA (Emory University), primatologist fulangsi·de·Waer (Frans de Waal) saw many chimpanzees kiss and hug each other after a conflict scenario. As far as we know, (apart from the chimpanzee's) other animals kissing

For chimpanzees, kissing is a way of reconciliation, and between acts is more common in males than females. In other words, kissing is not an act of romantic love.

Kiss of the Bonobo behavior is more common and its close relatives, and they often Kiss using tongue. Perhaps, the tongue which is not surprising, because the bonobos are sexually active animals.

When two people meet together, we usually shake hands. Bonobos often sexual intercourse, this is known as Bonobo handshake. In addition, other intimate relationships they establish will have sex. Therefore, the bonobos kiss or that special romantic significance.

As far as we know, in addition to the two kinds of apes, but other animals there is no kissing. They will gently rub one edge, to touch each other on the cheek, but even met lips, they do not exchange with each other the saliva or pursed lips. They don't need it. A case study of wild boar, the male emits a female boar wild boar very attractive smell. This is one of the key chemicals a pheromone called Androstenone, can hook up a female boar mating desires.

Animals often use urine to convey information From a female boar's point of view, this is a good thing, because Androstenone emissions up boars have the strongest ability to reproduce. Female boar's sense of smell is very sensitive, so there is no need to get closer to kiss the male.

Many other mammals, too. For example, female hamsters can emit a pheromone which public Hamster rutting excitement. Mouse tracks a similar chemical scent to find genes different from their mates, minimize the risk of accidental incest.

Animals often to disseminate information through the urine. Wuluodasiji said: "their urine very pungent. Around as long as the environment in the urine, they smell it, we can judge each other appropriate not appropriate. ”

Not only mammals have a keen sense of smell. The male Black Widow Spider can smell females emit pheromones, and learned that she recently had enough to eat. While males only mate with the female spiders eat, to minimize the risk of female spiders eat.

Point is that animals do not need to be near each other, you can pass that smell like a potential mate. The other hand, compared with animals, the human sense of smell is awful, so we need to be close to each other in order to be close. Although smell is not the only method we used to assess the suitability, but studies have shown that smell still plays an important role in human mate selection process.

Men will make that version to attract female boar pheromones According to a study published in 1995, women like the mouse, prefers those genes different from one's own breath exhaled by man. This preference as reasonable and mate with men themselves have different genes, are more likely to give birth to healthy offspring. Kissing is a way you're close enough time, great way to sniff out the other gene.

In 2013, the wuluodasiji began to kiss of the hundreds of people in preference to conduct more in-depth research. These subjects were evaluated in the Kiss, they believe that what is most important. (These people answer), "kissing each other body odor brings" a high proportion of this answer, but when women are in the best period of conception, will increase the importance of smell.

It turns out that men will produce pheromones to attract female boar that version. This pheromone in the male sweat when a woman when smelling sweat, they slightly increased their sexual excitement.

Wuluodasiji pointed out that process in mammals mate, pheromones play a very important role, humans are no exception. He said: "we have inherited all physiological characteristics of mammals, and in a long evolutionary process, adds a number of new elements. ”

You don't have to kiss, but only on each other with his nose to smell According to this point of view, the kiss is only human culture in the sense of love, which are close enough to each other to detect receive pheromones.

In some human cultures, this smell evolved into the body of the lips. Wuluodasiji says, it is difficult to determine the transition time between, but its purpose is the same.

Therefore, if you want to find a perfect partner, you don't have to kiss, but only on each other with his nose to smell. In this way, you can also find satisfying companion, and doesn't have to touch the mouth bacteria. However, it would look very funny.

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